For full-semester classes, students will be sent an SRT invitation by email 24 days prior to the last day of class (click here for data collection windows for all course lengths), If Canvas is in use, a prompt will appear on their Canvas page. Students may complete the SRT using a desktop computer, laptop, smart phone or other mobile device with internet connectivity.
Faculty action is not needed for online administration, although you may wish to:
- Log into the online SRT system, EXPLORANCE BLUE, to check response rates
- Remind students to complete the SRT
- Invite students to bring their mobile devices to the last class, and set aside time during the class period for them to complete the SRT if they have not yet done so
- There are several steps you can take to improve response rates for your course.
NOTE: Faculty CANNOT be present while SRTs are being completed; please step outside the classroom during this time.