Student data privacy is protected through compliance with University policy, data processing procedures, and in-house security.
Instructors may not be present when SRT evaluations are completed and collected.
SRT administration takes place during the last 3 weeks of classes, before final exams. All students present in class when the SRT is administered, or all students enrolled in online courses, must be provided the SRT form. Students may opt out of completing one or more questions, or the whole SRT form.
Online SRT
SRT software pulls student ID information from the University’s PeopleSoft database to ensure that only currently enrolled students complete SRTs for a specific instructor. Although the system maintains the identity of students to ensure they receive SRT invitations for courses they are enrolled in, the instructor is never informed of the identity of students providing ratings. Please note, a student’s identity might be inferred, for example, if the class section has very few students enrolled.
- Student identities are never revealed to the instructor
- Instructors do not receive SRT results until after final grades are submitted (Approximately three weeks after the semester ends.)
- Aggregate summary statistics are provided to instructors and department chairs/heads.
Online SRT
Instructors receive access to reports containing results from multiple choice items and open-ended responses.
Department chairs/heads receive multiple choice results, but only receive open-ended responses if the Dean of their College has granted permission for release of this data.