For the most up to date achievement tests we recommend Iowa Assessments Form E/G™. The Iowa Assessments measure student achievement and growth across a continuum of next generation learning standards from Kindergarten through Grade 12. Iowa Assessments enable administrators and educators to monitor growth, indicate college and career readiness, and evaluate student mastery.

Find out more about the Iowa Tests with information containing testing purposes, types of scores, and score interpretation.

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The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Form 7® reflects the most up-to-date research on how best to measure cognitive abilities and learning styles. The test measures three cognitive domains — verbal, quantitative and nonverbal — for a comprehensive perspective on a student’s reasoning abilities. Students receive an ability profile that can be used to help teachers better meet the needs of individual students.

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Interest Determination, Exploration and Assessment System (IDEAS) (Grades 7-12, adult):

The Interest Determination, Exploration and Assessment System (IDEAS) is a self-scoring inventory that helps introduce middle school, junior high, and high school students and adults to career options and the world of work. Brief and easy to score and interpret, IDEAS identifies interests that can affect educational and vocational planning and direction.

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If you would like to order IDEAS, please contact Linda Rogers at 612-626-1803 or [email protected].